District Attorney

Danny Goodman Jr

Serving Dyer, Lake County | Tennessee

Upon completion of law school, General Danny Goodman, Jr. went to work for Stevens Law Firm and was later appointed Assistant District Attorney General in 2000 in the criminal division. He was elected General Sessions and Juvenile Judge for Lake County in 2002 where he served for 15 years before being appointed and later elected as the District Attorney General for the 29th Judicial District. When asked why he became a prosecutor, General Goodman explained, “I have always wanted to be in a position where I can help others and improve the community that I love. There is no better way to accomplish that goal than making the community safer for our citizens through prosecution of criminal offenses.”

News & Media Releases

Keep up to date with the latest from your district. From case updates, to important information about keeping your community safe, find them all here!


Danny H. Goodman, Jr.

District Attorney General

Karen Burns

Deputy District Attorney General
Dyer Co. Circuit Court

Tim Boxx

Assistant District Attorney General
Dyer County Circuit Court

Andrew Hayes

Assistant District Attorney General
Federal Court and Lake County Circuit Court

Lance Webb

Assistant District Attorney General
Lake Co. General Sessions Court

Renee McCain

Assistant District Attorney General
Dyer County General Sessions and Dyer/Lake Juvenile Court

Laura Clements

Assistant District Attorney General
Dyersburg Municipal Court and Newbern City Court

Matt Beaird

DUI Prosecutor

Stacey Hayes


Randi Winstead


Brandi Odle

Administrative Assistant

Tammy Tingler

Victim Witness Coordinator

Haley Brooks

Assistant Victim Witness Coordinator

Tyrenia Rainey

DUI Coordinator

Todd Thayer


Victim Services

WRAP (Wo/Men’s Resource and Rape Assistance Program)

WRAP’s mission is to prevent intimate partner violence, stop the transmission of violence to children, youth, and young adults, and build healthy relationships across the lifespan – from children to seniors – one relationship at a time.


Statewide Resources

Criminal Injuries Compensation

If you or someone you know is an innocent victim of a violent crime committed in the State of Tennessee, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund may be a financial resource for you.

TN Voices for Victims

Tennessee Voices For Victims (TVFV) works on behalf of victims of crime in Tennessee. We are a central agency that enables crime victims across the state to network with one another and journey toward healing.

Offender Lookup

VINE is the nation’s leading victim notification network. It allows survivors, victims of crime, and other concerned citizens to access timely and reliable information about offenders or criminal cases in U.S. jails and prisons.

TN Domestic Violence Hotline

The Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline is a referral and counseling helpline for victims of domestic violence. Counselors are available 24/7 to offer referrals and supportive listening, and help with safety planning.

Cover for District Attorney General, 29th Judicial District
District Attorney General, 29th Judicial District

District Attorney General, 29th Judicial District

Official page for the Office of the District Attorney General of Tennessee's 29th Judicial District,

Today and every day, we recognize the hardworking prosecutors, investigators, and staff who work tirelessly to keep our community safe. Your dedication to justice does not go unnoticed! #thankyou #justicematters ... See MoreSee Less
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Here we go again. Get ready to “spring-forward” and set the clocks ahead on Sunday, March 9 at 2am to observe the start of Daylight Savings Time (DST). How did this odd custom get started? Why do we lose an hour of sleep each spring only to gain it back in the fall?How Daylight Savings Time Got Started:Believe it or not, it was Founding Father Benjamin Franklin who suggested in a 1784 essay that people should get out of bed one hour earlier in the spring and summer to enjoy more natural light.Then, in 1895, a New Zealand entomologist George Hudson proposed the modern version of DST to give him more time in the evenings to collect insects. The weird idea gained traction in Europe during WWI to save coal. The US adopted DST in 1918, but it was repealed the following year. DST was reinstated during WWII, but at the war’s end states and cities were free to decide whether to observe it or not. In 1966, DST became official throughout most of the United States.When Daylight Savings Starts and Ends Has Constantly Changed.In the US, DST originally started in April and ended in October. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended DST by four weeks. Americans now set their clocks forward on the second Sunday in March and back on the first Sunday in November.DST was once even longer. In response to the Arab oil embargo of the early 1970s, Congress increased the length of DST to 10 months in 1974 and 8 months in 1975. The experiment was abandoned in 1976. Not Every Place Observes Daylight Savings Time.Arizona and Hawaii do not observe DST. Neither do most U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.Surprise! Farmers Don’t Like It…Although many people think DST was created to benefit farmers, farmers argued against its adoption in the 1960s and continue to call for its abolition today. Dairy farmers are opposed because cows are extremely sensitive to milking times. Additionally, grain is best harvested after morning dew has evaporated, which makes DST a hindrance to farmworkers.Many Businesses Love It. Retailers and companies in the sports, leisure, and tourism industries were early proponents of DST and continue to support it today. Having more daylight in the evening encourages people to go shopping and spend more time and money on outdoor activities. For instance, the National Golf Foundation once estimated that extending DST increased golf industry revenues from $200 million to $300 million. Companies that make outdoor grills and charcoal determined that they gained $200 million in sales with the extension of DST.Sleep Deprivation... People sleep an average of 40 minutes less and there are 5.7% more injuries on the Monday after DST takes effect. Sleep cycles can take weeks to adapt to DST. Children have a particularly hard time adjusting to different sleep patterns.DST May Not Conserve Energy. Opinions are split on whether DST saves energy. DST was designed to help consumers take advantage of natural light and rely less on artificial light. Some studies have shown that DST reduces residential lighting costs, whichrepresent about 3.5 percent of total electric usage. However, other studies found that DST increases air conditioner use, which represents about 16.5 percent of electric usage.Currently, 37 states have between one and nine DST-related bills on the legislative docket for 2019. Proposals range from studying the issue in more depth to abolishing Daylight Savings Time entirely. There is also a grassroots movement to abolish DST once and for all.Let us know your feelings about DST. Do you enjoy its benefits or do you believe “it’s about time” to get rid of it? ... See MoreSee Less
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The Tennessee legislature has proposed SJR0025, a Constitutional Amendment that will help keep violent criminals off our streets and stop the revolving door of crime that threatens public safety.“This is the singular most important bill to public safety that we have evaluated in the last 11 years.” – Steve Crump, Executive Director of the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference ... See MoreSee Less
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On Wednesday morning, Agents with the 29th District out of Dyersburg served a search warrant in the 500 block of Fairbanks. Agents recovered 11 weapons, one of which was stolen, approximately 1/4 pound of marijuana and paraphernalia associated with the sale of narcotics. One male was arrested and charged with felony drug and weapon charges. The office of the District Attorney General, 29th Judicial District, Danny Goodman, Jr. is prosecuting this case. ... See MoreSee Less
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